Tuesday, March 6

Walgreens Shopping, $.64 Money Maker

I did 2 trasactions of the following at Walgreens:

Colgate Total (4 oz.), $3
Used $.75/1 from 2/26 SS

Christmas Wine Charms (filler), clearance priced $.25

Subtotal: $2.50, Total: $2.68
"Paid" with $2 Register Reward from last week and $.68 OOP.
Got back $3 Register Reward from Colgate.
Net cost: $.32 Money Maker
x2 = $.64 Money Maker


  1. Just curious, did you need to by the filler for this transaction?

    1. Yes, I used a coupon for the Colgate and a Register Reward to bring down my out of pocket expense. Since I was using 2 manufacturer coupons per transaction, I needed 2 items. If I didn't use the Register Reward, I would not have needed the filler.
